The majority of the time you do not have to tell people how you are feeling for them to know. For example, consider the famous statue The Thinker by Rodin. There is no doubt that the statue is conveying a state of thoughtfulness and seriousness. You can also tell when a child a is throwing a fit by the stomping of the feet, clinched fist, and a sad face. This is the child's way of letting you know they are not happy.
In order for you to convey the messages you want with your body, you need to look at your body as if it were a movie screen. Your body displays message all of the time whether you like it or not. Your body is always showing the world what is going on inside. The following are some examples that you need to be aware of:
- People that feel unsure or insecure about themselves or a particular situation will touch themselves as a means of self-restraint or self-comfort. People that rub their face, forehead, crossing their arms, or putting their fingers in their mouths are attempting to bring themselves some sort of comfort by doing so. This is also done as a form of protection.
- People that perform specific gestures reserved for religion are revealing their beliefs and values. A perfect example of this is when Catholic walk into a Catholic church. What do they normally do? When a Catholic walks into a church they typically dip their fingers into holy water and cross themselves. Jewish people tend to touch the Mezuzah before entering the front door. Muslims bow and pray to the east. There are many more examples of ways people reveal their religion, cultures, traditions, and values.
- People in a state of celebration often breath in deeply and gesture outwards with open arms. Examples of this are everywhere. Have you ever seen someone that has just won a race? These people are often shown with arms wide open, arms extended, heads thrown back, and their mouths and eyes opened with pure joy.
- Have you ever seen someone that has just lost the big game? They look totally defeated. They are breathing shallow, shoulders slumped, and heads down. They also exert little energy. This is the exact opposite of someone in a powerful state that has just won the big game.
- People that are feeling down and depressed have a slouch in their step. They have drooping heads and downward cast eyes. People that feel great about their life and the possibilities about it have a bounce in their step. They reveal this through their upright posture, a light step in their walk, and eyes that are full of life.
There are many more examples that can be given here, but the lesson to learn from this is to ask yourself what kind of message are you sending out to others. Make sure you check your attitude, thoughts, and beliefs on a consistent basis.
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